Saturday, July 14, 2007

Millionnaire Wannabe

I envisioned crowds of people sleeping in the Casino parking garage and huge lines for the Millionnaire auditions. Got up at 5:00--the earliest any sane person would get out of bed--and beat the rush hour traffic. Surprisingly, the line didn't extend out into the rain, and I actually was in the first test group...barely. But I regret to inform you that you will not be seeing me anytime soon on the show. Me too dumb to pass first test. I blame it on the frigid temperatures inside the casino. I'm sure I had brain freeze. There were actually two tests, one for the Netflix Movie Trivia (which I was certain I would bomb) and one for the General Trivia. We all had different tests and had 10 minutes to answer 30 questions. They didn't elaborate on what percentage you had to answer correctly to pass and we didn't have any way of knowing how many we missed. They just called out the numbers of the applicants that passed and the rest were free to go. I was free.

All in all, it was a fun experience and I would do it again. The Tulsa teacher who won a million on the show was there and talked to our group while the tests were being scored. She tried 4 times before she made it onto the now I don't feel so bad. I met some really nice people on line and there was excitement in the air. Oh yeah, and I got a nifty frig magnet and pencil to memorialize my experience!

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