Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Believe it or not, I actually got excited about deer season this year. I know...pretty scary. Saturday, Jeff harvested the first deer on our land. Something about your son being able to hunt on land that belongs to you, land that produces game worth the hunt. It's just exciting. And although I talk about the solitude of the country, I had to hear it from a neighbor. Shortly after dark, the phone rang and the neighbor asked if Neal had gotten a deer. I said I didn't know, he wasn't back yet. He informed me that the truck was backed up to the barn and the barn lights were on. A quick look out the window and sure 'nuff, the barn lights were on. I grabbed the camera and trekked over to see. Should've waited a little longer--Jeff was wrist deep in the deer's belly and I saw more than I needed to see. Anyway...if you're the least bit squeamish, you may not want to see this picture...but I'm pretty proud.

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