Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Cranky in Kemah

This morning I stayed home, waiting for the Cable Guy. We haven't had good cable reception since Neal got here in January. Since the majority of his time in the trailer is spent sleeping, it didn't seem to be a huge dilema. According to the Cable Guy, our problem is internal. Apparently the cable that threads "somewhere" through the wall of the trailer is defective, probably damaged by a staple or nail. No simple solution. I really haven't been much of a TV person the last couple of years, but all of a sudden it is imperative that I have a crystal clear picture on the tube. Now, we could take the 5th Wheel in to a service center and they might possibly be able to fix it. But with Neal's work schedule that is next to impossible, unless we trade vehicles and I hitch up the old wagon and take it in myself. Can you imagine me wheeling through Houston traffic with this 34' trailer behind me? Not a pretty picture. Why this makes me so irritable is a mystery. The "cable channels" including HGTV, ESPN, AMC, TNT, etc. are all watchable. The "local channels," though they are snowier, are still watchable if we use the antenna. And it's summer, for cryin' out loud, anything I did enjoy watching is now in reruns. I think it's just the idea of something not working the way it's supposed to. Obviously this is why the original owners traded it in! Maybe I'm just cranky because of the sore on my tongue from wearing that blasted retainer that I should have been rid of months ago! Any remedy for that, Dr. Torture...I mean Dr. Torchia???

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