Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bad Year

This has been a bad year for me physically. For the first time since my kids were small, I have met and exceeded my insurance deductible and will probably have enough medical bills to get a deduction on my taxes. Besides all the typical 50 year old female problems and the surgery in August, I've had a number of other ailments. It started with tennis elbow/tendonitis in my right elbow. Then, probably due to overcompensating and favoring that arm, it soon moved to my left elbow. A few months ago my right shoulder began to bother me and steadily got worse. I finally made a doctor's appointment and found that I have a bone spur. Likely more surgery to come. Then yesterday, after my first "real" workout since surgery, I decided to reconnect my dryer hose that had partially come loose. My laundry niche is very tight and I had to climb over washer and dryer to gain access. That went fairly smoothly. But getting back out was a different story. I hoisted myself up over the machines only to come down HARD on the corner of the dryer--right on my tail bone! I'm sure it's cracked, but also pretty sure there is nothing that a doctor can do for it. So...I'm handicapped again!!! Someone needs to just put me in a padded room. I'm a walking disaster!

1 comment:

jessica said...

Oh Lita! You poor thing. I broke my tail bone on the ice several years ago. Not fun! I hate to say it but I still ache back there when the weather changes.