Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Free at Last!

I received the best Christmas present today. I was finally released from the Orthodontist!!! Granted, I will still have to wear the dreaded retainer while sleeping, but my days will be retainer-free.

Tomorrow is my second appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon regarding my shoulder and I'm a bit apprehensive about that. I've noticed some improvement in these past six weeks, but it is nowhere near 100%. We'll see what he has me do next. I need relief fast, 'cause my once toned and muscular arms (sort of) are becoming flabby and shapeless. Good thing it's winter and I can keep them covered up! I would post a picture, but am too embarrassed.

1 comment:

Terry Rush said...


You bless so many of us....especially me. Thank you for years of faith and friendship. I am proud of who you are in Him....sweetly amazing!

I love you today!