Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Call the Waaambulance

Yesterday I cried.


The first was a good long cry.  Neal was patiently demonstrating to me how to attach chains to my tires, just in case I need them this winter.  I understood the procedure.  I just couldn't do it.  My arthritic hands are just too weak.  It makes me feel helpless.  Poor...pitiful...me.

So when I quit my blubbering, I went in the house and pulled out the last of the cinnamon roll dough.  I may not be able to install tire chains, but I KNOW I can make cinnamon rolls.  At least I thought I could.  After smearing the dough with butter and dumping on the suger, I started sprinkling the cinnamon.  But it didn't look right.  That's because it wasn't cinnamon.  It was chili powder.

Hence....the second outburst of the day.

Neal is keeping his distance.

1 comment:

Jeanette Livingston said...

Awww, that was a bad day. I hope you are feeling better now!