Monday, May 14, 2007

Packing Day

The movers are here packing all my VALUABLE belongings. Which gives me time to catch up on reading blogs, planning my lesson for Wednesday night, playing online Scrabble with my mom and working on Sudoku puzzles. In our last two moves, there has only been one item broken on each move. Last night, as I was emptying the oil from my antique oil lamps, I broke the globe on my favorite one. So I told the movers today that my one item has already been broken so they can't break anything! The farm house is not complete, but will hopefully be at least functional for the move-in on Wednesday. I think I've done everything I need to do and am at the mercy of all my helpers at this point. This has been the most stressful move I've made and will be glad when it's over!


Terry Rush said...


Thanks for writing new stuff. I wish you rest and peace....once you get the truck unloaded, the dishes put away, and Neal fed!

I love you!

Shelly Collins said...

Hi Lita, I always check your blog I'm just not the greatest at leaving comments. (I check everyone's at work, it's a nice break). Sorry about the house stress...just think how much you're learning! Maybe you'll be able to help someone else learn about 3-way switches in the future!

Shelly Collins said...

Hi Lita, I always check your blog I'm just not the greatest at leaving comments. (I check everyone's at work, it's a nice break). Sorry about the house stress...just think how much you're learning! Maybe you'll be able to help someone else learn about 3-way switches in the future!