Thursday, May 10, 2007

For Terry

I'm blogging tonight for my faithful friend and only reader. The farm house is taking way too much of my time and energy and I vow to never attempt this again. Building a new house was much simpler--maybe because someone else was doing all the work. Today was another stressful day of nothing going as planned. I spend a great deal of time at Home Depot, returning things and buying more things. The service desk personnel try to avoid me. The pool is still green, after 45 pounds of chlorine. Every morning when I arrive at the farm, the first item on the agenda is the most dreaded...checking the skimmer to see what creature has made it's way into the basket. Yesterday was a box turtle, two toads today, and ALWAYS June Bugs. If the water in the basket was clear, at least I wouldn't be reaching into the unknown. I have developed a hatred for light fixtures. What should be simple never is. Tomorrow I'm returning three fixtures and two ceiling fans. And how am I supposed to know what a 3-way switch is? A light switch is a light switch, right? And who ever heard of a kitchen sink that doesn't include strainer baskets????? The one bright spot in this dark, dismal, rainy week is the fact that there were no hidden cameras to capture my floor buffing escapade on Monday. Let's just say we're lucky to still have four walls in each room.


jessica said...

Terry isn't your only reader. I check your blog at least twice a day to see if you have updated. Hope today goes better for you.

Terry Rush said...

See there, Lita. We flushed Jessica out of hiding! Thanks for the personalized blog. You are phenomenal!

I love you today!