Saturday, August 08, 2009

Things Your Doctor May Neglect to Tell You About a Hemorrhoidectomy

Read.  And learn.

Delegate a sober and alert caretaker to read and administer post-op directions. Percocet-impaired eyes may read "2 Tablespoons" when it really says "1 teaspoon" of Citrucel--mixed in juice every morning.  Yes, in just a matter of hours, your belly skin CAN and WILL stretch to the size of a 5-month pregnancy.

There is only one purpose of a bowel movement.  Survival.  I've had 6 now, so I think I get 3 more...or is that just cats?  I may be in trouble.

When your husband rudely breaks a loud windy, you will not reprimand him, but instead will pooch your lip out and say, "You're soooo lucky."

The only position you'll find comfortable is ... Knocked.  Out.

If you remain in the above position too long, you will not be able to have a bowel movement. and you will die.  And you will think that's a preferable cause of death...rather than to die actually HAVING said b.m.

Stock up on this:
It will save your family many trips to Walmart.  We've purchased 40 lbs.  So far.

The traditional pain scale goes from #1 to #10.  With #1 being "No Pain" and #10 being "Hurts Worst."  It should, in fact, include #12 "Just Shoot Me Now."

Before surgery the "affected site" may remind you of this cluster of grapes:

After surgery (and your doctor won't tell you this) you might expect a clean slate.  Au contraire. It will more likely resemble these raspberries:

It's all part of the "post-op swelling."  I may never be able to eat off these place mats again.


It will only prove to increase the post-op swelling.

Do not schedule this procedure 5 days before a big event.  Like your favorite cousin's daughter's wedding.  Or you'll be relying on someone with an I-Phone to I-Chat the event to your living room.  And you'll realize that I-Chat goes both ways and they can see YOU in all your 5-day post-op splendor...5 days of unmoisturized, uncosmeticked, face...5 days of bed-head hair...sweaty, wrinkled pj's...probably best to just wait for the dvd.

Fly your mother in for at least a week.  Sure, your hubby might come in handy to lift you out of the tub and to count the 93 stool softener capsules because in your drug induced state, you won't remember if you already took your nightly dose--BUT--it probably won't occur to him to massage your aching back muscles or brush your hair just because it's soothing, or ask you if you'd like a nice cup of tea.  Or wash 34 loads of laundry and cook 27 meals. Or take pictures for your blog.


Anna Lansdell said...

I'm really very sorry to hear about your pain and discomfort... but that was your funniest and most entertaining blog entry to date!

Lisa said...

This MUST be published in medical journals across the globe!

Sometimes we forget how wonderful the little things in life are (farting, bms, and such).

JeanetteLivingston said...

Well bless your heart, hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of your language. Neal "broke wind" etc. I have been such a good influence on you.

Good information to share for those who might be considering this surgery. There were some TMI's such as the grapes and raspberries! The mental imagine will keep me up for quite a few nights. Ha! (like I am not up anyway)

Hope there is some improvement since I talked to you Friday.


Shelly Collins said...

This is hilarious. I am honestly a little amazed you felt like sharing it with the blogosphere. Geez, I'm glad my post pregnancy problems didn't get to the point of surgery, yikes!!

Terry Rush said...

Funny Girl,

And you have such well as taste! This blog is both informative and entertaining.

You should read this at your church Christmas party...or should I at mine?

I love you so!

Brenda said...

I think you should send this to your doctor! I am dying from laughing over here. They should post this in the office for comic relief just before....or actually...just after. I hope you are on the mend and feeling better. Thank you for your humor in such an uncomfortable situation. Get well soon!!!

Stoogelover said...

I came over from Rush's site, but this is FUNNY! I had a colonoscopy earlier this year because of what turned out to be an internal hemorrhoid. I've thought about surgery ... but after reading your post I think I'll endure the situation as long as possible! And yes, you have the talent to be a writer.

Greg England
Southern California Desert

Tammy said...

Ok girl! I love your accurate descriptions of EVERYTHING! Having had back surgery in June, I really think there should be a book written about "All the things they never tell you about surgeries but your and your spouse should know"! Thank goodness for humor! But knowing when to laugh is just as important ;) Praying for a FULL and quick recovery for you...and there is NO SUCH THING as a gentle laxitive! Stupid commercials!