Monday, March 22, 2010

Stop the Madness!!!

The last couple of days I've really had a sweet tooth....

I know...understatement.

Baked a Braum's frozen cherry pie yesterday. Mmmmmmm! Have you ever had anything from Braum's that was NOT delicious? The crust was perfect, although the cherries were a little tart. Good thing I had Braum's Homestyle Vanilla ice cream to counteract the tartness.

Today I made P-dub's homemade cinnamon rolls. HOLY COW! These babies are heaven on a plate! I have never tasted ANYTHING this yummy! And yes, I know I just typed 3 sentences in a row that end in an exclamation point! Now four.

I need something to blame this on. Maybe it's because I'm out of VeggieSnax.

I'm on a sugar rush joy ride. Somebody stop me!


Terry Rush said...

Now I say this is a much better vegetable selection. I've been worried about you...but now I see you back on track of the good food!

Janell said...

I wish I could have some of those cinnamon rolls! Yummmmmmmm