Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

I'm giving up TV for Lent.  Therefore, I am blogging.  Sadly, I'm not giving up DVR-ing, so I don't want to see any FB posts about who Sean proposes to, or who's the Biggest Loser.  I'll find out for myself after Easter, thank you very much.

My husband did some calculating and informed me that he puts in more hours of work per week than I do per month.  I think not.  Maybe he gets payed for more hours, but I don't think he's taking all things into consideration.  Today, I got our taxes together, met with the accountant, met with an insurance agent to get a better rate, went to the grocery store, the bank, the post office and the pharmacy.  Did 2 loads of laundry--folded and put away--picked the grandkids up from school, prepared 4 bowls of cereal for them, read two books (I Am a Monster and Spongebob and the Great Snail Race), colored two pages in the Giant Bug Coloring Book, found and printed an airport parking coupon for this weekend, made rental car reservations, and went to church.  I need to start logging my hours.

Speaking of work hours.  I'm gonna have to start working an extra hour a day just to pay for my gas to get there.  $3.49/gallon.  What????

So.  My first day with no TV.  Just 45 days to go.


Kristen t. said...

Please tell me you watch the bachelor too!!!

Unknown said...

YES, Kristen. So don't tell me anything!