Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not Even Missing TV...Seriously

Nearing the end of Day 7 of my TV fast.  Thirty-nine to go.  Not even watching the news, so if something historical goes down, will someone please clue me in?

Got home last night after a 4-day weekend in Houston.  Lauren has been "patiently" waiting for her turn to go see Papa.  Let me tell ya--everyone should spend 4 days with a 6-year old.  It is both exhausting AND rejuvenating!  Days of exploring and reading and crafts.  Nights of funky dance moves and Nana & Lauren's rendition of "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me."  I won't be able to listen to the BeeGees or Temptations again without fond memories of Neal, Lauren and Me dancing in an RV in our pj's.

The Dock

Bald eagles are nesting down the road from the RV Resort.  Last year they tracked them from Sand Springs.  Not kidding.
- Photography by Lauren Blevins

This is how Neal had to eat dinner the first night.  No, she's not sleeping, just snuggling.

Houston has an amazing Museum of Natural Science.

The butterfly sanctuary.

The Chocolate Bar

Kemah Boardwalk:

Of course she wants Papa to ride the carousel with her...

And Nana--the Ferris Wheel (how does she know I have a fear of heights?)

In some ways Lauren is so much like me....and in some ways not-so-much.  She is not shy, and talks pretty much non-stop.  Here's the friend she made at the airport in Houston, fresh back from Disneyworld--Lauren's biggest dream second to being a rock star.

Our flight was delayed a little and we didn't arrive in Tulsa until after 8:30 p.m.  The shuttle to the parking garage was packed, but similar to elevators, no one was talking.  Lauren couldn't stand it and said, "It sure is QUIET in here!"  and proceeded to ask the couple next to us all manner of personal questions.  We all knew each other quite well by the time we got to our cars.

We had a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend.  Jacob, however, is still not speaking to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Jacob is over it by now. ~J