Thursday, April 05, 2007

W unded

Bad day t day Whi e w rking n the farm h use, pu ing stap es ut f the w d fl rs, I mistaken y tried brushing away what I th ught was a piece f carpet padding, but instead it was a stap e! I punctured my finger then s iced it pen This evening was spent at the Urgent Care C inic, getting a tetanus sh t and getting my finger g ued back t gether Then a trip to the pharmacy f r antibi tic If y u are a typist, y u kn w which finger I injured Nea wi be h me t m rr w Yeah!!!


Terry Rush said...

I take that as a sign. You may need to visit me soon!

Hoping you recover soon. Such an injury really does hurt.

So sorry!

I love you today!

Shelly Collins said...

Hi Lita. Yikes, that sounds like it hurt. Yes, that is quite the coincidence about your nephew, hopefully they are as excited as we are. Right now I'm just trying not to worry about how busy we'll be but instead dwelling on the fact that God has blessed us with another miracle!