Monday, August 06, 2007

Thoughts from a 3-year-old

I've decided to try to occasionally post some of the sweet, comical, and sometimes questionable words that come from the mouth of my 3-year-old grandson and the weird conversations we sometimes have. This is more for that I don't forget these precious moments.

While reading a book with Lauren on my lap and Jacob perched on the arm of the chair: "Nana, what's 'at?" "It's my fingernail." "What's it doing?" "It's just laying there, being a fingernail." "Oh."

After reading several books in a row: "Good job, Nana."

While holding up a fish caught in our pond: "Papa...check it out!"

While reading The Rainbow Fish (we read a lot, can you tell?) and looking at all the "under the sea" pictures: "That's wike funbob squarepants!"

Potty training: (Got the pee pee thing down, but working on the poopy thing.) Nana, while removing the poopy diaper: "Jacob, next time let's go poop in the potty. You know, Daddy poops in the potty, momma poops in the potty, Nana poops in the potty, Papa poops in the potty." Jacob, after thoughtful consideration, "No.....Papa not poop in the potty."


Shelly Collins said...

Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to having these kinds of conversations with Wilder.

Terry Rush said...

You made me laugh. Keep 'em coming. Poor Neal.