Sunday, June 15, 2008

Photography Plug

I'm a little slow. Last month Jeremy's family had portraits done, and when I saw the proofs, I scanned 3 of them and posted them on my blog. Ooops! That probably wasn't the most ethical thing to do, as they really weren't mine to post. Please forgive me Jenny. In order to try to make good from my honest (really and truly) mistake, I must just tell you about this amazing photographer. She took Lauren's first professional portraits at 2 weeks old. They were adorable and I still display my 10 x 14 and two 5 x 7 black & whites proudly on my mantle. Her specialty is babies and children, but I know she also does weddings and families and probably whatever event you desire. The awesome thing is that SHE comes to YOU. How convenient! She is ever so patient and stays as long as it takes to get the shots you want. Lauren's first photo shoot includes "awake", "asleep", "alone", "with brother". She is also very reasonable in her prices. So, here is the information:

Jenny White Photography

Remember her for your next portraits. Thanks Jenny, for not suing me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks so much Lita!! and i never even thought about suing!! lol