Saturday, December 04, 2010

Christmas Spirit

This is exactly what I was afraid of.

scoffman (you know who you are) scoffed at me for considering a tree-less Christmas because of the kittens.

Fortunately, I trimmed the tree with all unbreakable ornaments.

And they have learned to fear this:

Thanks, Janet, for the lesson on Cat Discipline.


Shane Coffman said...

But if you hadn't put up the tree, you wouldn't have these cute pictures to post!

Anonymous said...

One year I put my Christmas tree in a playpen because of a kitten and a baby. Ya gotta do whatever works. Cute pictures!
Jeanette (Anonymous)

Lisa said...

They feel the need to attack it because it is a fake tree. I'm just saying . . .

Terry Rush said...

Our first Christmas I had the brilliant idea of using the sand pan used for kitty litter as a tree stand.


Not a good move. Reworked the entire scenario the next day. Forced to!
