Monday, June 11, 2012

Conversations with Lauren

A few of the conversations we had today.

Swimming from the edge of the pool to me:
Lauren:  (to herself, with a determined expression on her face) "Just keep your eye...on the boobies."

Lauren:  Nana, how old are you? 35?
Me: Nope.
Lauren:  43?
Me: Nope.
Lauren:  56?
Me: That's right.
Lauren:  How old is Papa?  72?

Lauren:  Who's your dad?
Me:  Grandpa Smith.
Lauren:  No way!

Lauren:  Who had you?  Whose tummy were you in?
Me:  Grandma Smith's.
Lauren:  And you have two sisters.
Me:  Right.  What are their names?
Lauren:  I don't know the puppy-haired one but the straight-haired one is Linda.
Me:  *Laughing uncontrollably* The puppy-haired one?
Lauren:  No, the FLUFFY-haired one.
Lauren:  But you don't live with them.
Me:  Well, we lived together when we were kids, but then we grew up and left home.
Lauren:  Aw Nana! :(  That's not very nice.
Me:  When you grow up, you'll move away from home.
Lauren:  No I won't.

Lauren:  When I grow up, I'm gonna have Grandma Smith in my tummy.

Lauren in the pool, me in the lounge chair:
Lauren:  I have braces.
Me:  You do?
Lauren:  Yeah, but they're invisible and I can't take them out.  See?
Me:  Oh really?
Lauren:  Yeah, they're gonna make my teeth straight.

Of course, she probably had perfect teeth when she was a mermaid.

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