Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Don't You Just Love Birthdays?

To all my FB friends, thank you for the lovely birthday wishes.  Although I have to say, it's a bit overwhelming.  When I send FB birthday greetings, I don't anticipate or require any reply or acknowledgement, but for some reason I feel the need to comment on each and every one sent my way. Well, that didn't happen, so consider this a big blanket of gratitude.

My 4-yr-old granddaughter sang "Happy Birthday" to me over the phone.  Oh how sweet the sound!  She was curious if I was going to have a party.  I LOVE IT.  Life IS a party!

My thoughtful husband called to tell me that on his way to work he was driving 55 mph and saw 5 black cows and 5 white cows and he suddenly remembered it was my 55th birthday.  He's such a weirdo.

But back to my age.  It hit me on Sunday, when they announced the St. Patrick's Day Banquet for Seniors.  Not High School Seniors.  Senior seniors.  Underscoring it with "those who are 55 and older."  Seriously?!  Am I actually now lumped into the same group as Edra and Homer?

This cake appeared on my desk mid-morning.  

Which, as you can imagine, was a little disconcerting.  It was brought to me by Scott W.  Which in itself could easily explain the oddity.  Later, Daniel P. came in to apologize for said cake.  Meanwhile, I happened to look at the expiration date on the box--February 25. Finally, I got the low-down from Barbara who explained about donations to the food pantry when bakery items passed their expiration date.  Oh great.  I've taken a perfectly good vampire cake right out of the mouth of some low-income, deserving tween who may have shared a birthday with me.  

After work, Janet and I did our 30 minutes of cardio before heading out to my birthday dinner.  We get in a lot of words while running walking on the treadmill.  You know you're getting old when most of the conversation centers around sleep patterns, daily menus, new aches, and regularity. Believe me, you need a good friend to talk to about these things.

Dinner at Olive Garden with great friends topped off my day.  We actually spent over two hours there, and not because of slow service, but because it was so relaxing and fun...and rare.  I threatened to include "Best Quotes of the Night" in my blog today, but since two of us are church secretaries, I think I'll refrain.

Now I'm off to try out my Senior Discount at IHOP.  If they know what's good for 'em, they'll ask for my I.D.

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