Monday, February 28, 2011


It's Monday and I'm having trouble remembering the last day I saw my grandkids.  I'm torn between feeling guilty and feeling exhausted.

It's been a hectic few weeks.

A close friend battling cancer ended up back in the hospital with renal failure.  Too soon, he was sent home with hospice. Less then 48 hours later, he was gone.

I had a trip to South Texas planned that was postponed due to all the funeral arrangements.

Drove 18 hours roundtrip to spend a few days in Texas with Neal.

I'm not trying to elicit sympathy. Just telling it like it is.

I think I've reached that point where the only time I have to spend with my grandchildren is when they don't have time to spend with me. And vice versa.

I'm looking forward to summer.  What are the odds that a 6 yr. old and a 4 yr. old could manage a 9 hour drive to Texas? 

(Photo courtesy of Jenny White Photography) 

1 comment:

Shelly Collins said...

What a pretty photo!!