Monday, April 04, 2011

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

This weekend I couldn't put off mowing the grass clover any longer.  But alas, the riding lawn mower refused to come out of hibernation.  So yes, I "push" mowed about an acre, not once, but twice because, as you know, clover doesn't cut easily, it simply bends over.  (I know, that was a really long sentence.) 

Did I mention it was HOT this weekend?  I seriously thought I was having a heat stroke!  My poor cats didn't know what to make of it when I came in and literally sprawled out face down on the formica kitchen table.

So I guess I whined sufficiently on Sunday to guilt one of the men in our Small Group to come out this morning and fix my lawn tractor.  Thank you, Mark!  My knight in shining armor.

Found out tonite that while Mark was at my house, burglars were at his. Cleaned. Him. Out.  Plasma TV, jewelery, hunting gear, etc.  I'm feeling sort of responsible.  :`(


Terry Rush said...


Inspector Clueseau here. Keep your eyes opened. As you move from small group house to small group house...note if any just happen to have a new plasma tv and possibly some new jewelry.

After all....who else knew?

I'm just sayin'.......

Wilma said...

That is so sad! How could they?? This man was doing a good deed!

Unknown said...

Terry, you echo my thoughts.