Sunday, February 17, 2008

Smith Memories

Here are a few memories of visits to Grandma and Grandpa Smith:

Getting a cold drink from the cistern with a metal dipper.

The outhouse. Scary in more ways than you can imagine.

Playing games with Grandma and Grandpa from the time I was old enough to talk. Hide the Thimble, Wahoo, and eventually graduating to Rummy, Scrabble, and Dominoes.

Spying a pane of glass in the yard and stomping it to bits. I don't know why. Blaming aforesaid destruction on one of the cousins. (Sorry Brad.)

Fishing down at the river with cane poles. Watching Grandma scale the fish and wanting to get in on some of that action.

Listening to Grandpa play his guitar and sing.

Going into town (Erick) and shopping at the Dixie.

Christmas. Using Grandpa's socks for stockings. One of my presents always being fabric that I'm sure Grandma got on sale at the Dixie, because it was so weird. But Mom always managed to turn it into a great-looking dress.

Homemade chocolate malted milkshakes before bed.

Washing and drying the dishes after meals. Small, non-airconditioned kitchen, metal dishpan, changing wet tea towels at least once or twice during the chore. Fighting for the place nearest the breeze coming in through the window.

Getting into Grandma’s face powder and getting my only spanking from her (that I can remember).

Riding with Uncle Melvin in his “hot rod,” listening to “Big Bad John” on the radio and Linda threatening to tell Grandma that he was smoking a cigar and driving over the speed limit. Actually, I was enjoying the ride. Linda was always a tattletale.

Sleeping in the back bedroom, windows wide open to let in the breeze, and fearing that the coyotes I could hear in the distance could surely break through those flimsy screens.

Learning to drive on the country roads WAY before I was 16.

1 comment:

Shelly Collins said...

Reading your memories makes me want to be a kid again! We consider ourselves blessed that Wilder and Gwyn have both sets of their grandparents so close, I know they will have good memories of their time with them.