Sunday, May 01, 2011

Summer is Coming!

At least that's what I thought yesterday.  Today it is cold and rainy and feels like November.

But yesterday.  Ahhhh.  Yesterday was glorious!

We got tons of outdoor work done and still made time for our little munchkins.

Lauren was pretty happy that we got the porch swing fixed.  I won't mention the incident that broke it.  Let's just say...from now on we'll limit the swing occupancy to two.

She's usually cooperative when it comes to picture posing.

But I had to do some coaxing to get her out in front of the purple irises.

What she really wanted to do was open the pool.  When I convinced her that that would not be happening today, she resorted to sitting on the diving board and dreaming about the hot summer days ahead.

Hmmm.  Maybe just one foot.

Jacob and Papa fished.

Jacob was a tick magnet.

Don't even ask.

 He's also obsessed with sticks.

 He managed to retrieve frog eggs from the pond and attach them to his stick.

Don't look, Trista....He also found a frog.
....and threw in some sticks.

This looks like a great stick.

 He told me this caterpillar was a boy.  How did he know?
'Cause it has a blue stripe on its side.  Of course, I should've known.

He and Papa were ecstatic to have a good reason to shoot the Red Ryder BB Gun.
I wasn't so thrilled with the reason.
I think the snake is still out there somewhere.

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