Saturday, October 22, 2011

Random Stuff

Since Jeremy's truck was here this morning, and I didn't hear a lawn mower or weed eater running, I assume he was deer hunting.  I also didn't hear any shots fired.

But I "shot" this around 10:30.  

Guess he shoulda stuck around a little longer.

I'm generally pretty conscientious with money.  Frugal, you might say.  Okay, sometimes I'm a cheap-skate.  But yesterday I went over to the dark side.  I had let the Macy's cosmetic lady talk me into getting a consultation with a makeup artist.  Just $50 which was redeemable in products - so I'm thinkin two mascaras, right?  Never mind that my own daughter-in-law is a makeup artist.  Duh.  (But of course, she would never tell me I had flaws, much less how to disguise them.) the skin care and color were applied, layer after layer...the sales pitch got thicker and thicker.  "How do you like the way this feels?"  "It's great."  (highlight product name)  "This color is great on you." "Yeah, I really like it." (highlight)  By the time I checked out, I was in total...speechless...shock!  FIVE HUNDRED and EIGHT-FIVE dollars????  I had just talked myself out of a pair of $59 shoes, 'cause they weren't on sale, for pete's sake!!!!  I really thought I was smarter than this.

What's even more incredible, is that I actually left the store with my $600 bag of products.   ...and a knot the size of Texas in my stomach.  I choose that simile because that's where the man is that is going to explode when he finds out about this little shopping spree.

Well.  You'll be relieved to know that I went unshopping this morning and returned EVERYTHING.  Dave Ramsey would be so proud.

In other news.  Stella was missing again this morning.  Very out-of-character for her not to be meowing at the door at the break of dawn.  When I went unshopping, I put Sophie back outside with instructions to go find her sister.  And she did.

One year ago:

This afternoon:

Not much has changed.

Oh. And last but not least.  I got a flu shot at Wal-Mart today.  The one-stop shopping experience.  I think I'll start buying my mascara there.


Jeanette Livingston said...

But did you look pretty?

Unknown said...

Jeanette -- umm, not so much.

Heather Blevins said...

LOL, this made my day.

SuBo said...

Actually found your blog by accident and it was exactly what I needed to wake me up this morning. I'm stuck in a classroom at Jenks High School with an enormous amount of Justin Bieber Some of them actually look like they might have hit the makeup counter...way too pretty.
Anywho, thanks for the chuckle! :)