Thursday, January 31, 2008

Agony of De-feet

It's snowing today. Jeremy stayed home with the kids, since they both have colds and his truck doesn't manage well on slick streets. He called this morning to see if I wanted to come over and "hang out." So I did.

Trista and Jeremy had told me about Jacob walking through the living room with his toes bent under his feet, heels off the floor. Jeremy informed her that he could do that too! So he did. What a sight! The two of them walking on their "toe knuckles." Trista and I have both tried, but couldn't bear the pain.

Jeremy and Jacob both enjoy having foot massages--with a twist. They want you to bend their toes backward and then forward, under their feet. They also like their toes to be squeezed as hard as you can. Neal shares this unusual love of torture. He can probably walk on his toe knuckles as well. We'll have to see.

1 comment:

Wilma said...

I can't walk on my toe knuckles but I can play my nose.