Saturday, May 31, 2008

Disappointing Progress

Our church is divided into "shepherding groups" with an elder (shepherd) for each group. Our group planned a night out last night and several of us trekked a good 45 minutes to an hour to eat at an Amish kitchen. I had been to the same place a couple of years ago and knew what to expect. I warned Neal to dress cool...wear shorts...because they have no electricity, therefore no air conditioning. The lights are actually oil/propane/kerosene? lamps that add to the heat in the room. But worth it to experience life at a slower pace and go back in time. What a shock when we arrived to find they had come a long way, baby, in the last two years. Electricity AND airconditioning (Neal's knees were cold) and two SUV's in their carport. The "Elder" of their little Amish community sat with us two years ago and we grilled him on all of their traditions, rules, peculiar ways. Last night he stood for a few minutes and told us about some miracle oil for sore joints they had for sale--$10 for a 2-oz. bottle, then was interrupted by his CELL PHONE. What!??! You're kiddin' me! The whole experience would have been a complete disappointment except that the food was still as wonderful as ever!

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