Saturday, December 01, 2007

Old Dog--New Tricks?

It's never too late to learn a new skill, I say. I took my first piano lesson at the age of 40. Today, I took a class to get certified on a semi-automatic pistol, in order to obtain a concealed weapon license. Indulge me in a little boasting...I was the best shooter in a class of 15 (including a couple of ex-military men). I earned 100% on my written test, 100% on the first 25 rounds of target shooting and 100% on the second (further distance) 25 rounds of target shooting. The only times my bullets missed the inner circle were during the times he instructed us to warn the perpetrator, then fire 5 rounds in rapid succession. "Stop" #*POW*# #*POW *# #*POW*# #*POW *# #*POW*#. As you can see, even the ones that missed vital organs would have been quite painful and somewhat debilitating. The Chief of Police, who was our instructor, suggested I post my souvenir target on my front door to discourage would-be intruders.

My next challenge will be learning the Spanish language, for our mission trip to Mexico next June.


janell said...

You are a true Blevins now! And this comment is from both me and Mary Ann!

Anonymous said...

look out! Auntie's pakin heat!

Shelly Collins said...

Hi Lita, just wanted to say hello and thanks for your comments on my blog. We're going to try to make it to Sand Springs church pretty soon for a visit.

This is impressive...truly you are a woman of many talents!