Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eat Your Heart Out

I have the best job in the world.  What makes this job so desirable?  1. It's part-time. 'Nuf said. 2. The people I work with are all amazing and wonderful and intelligent and funny. 3. My job is to keep people happy. Hello!....I'm a "people-pleaser!"  

When I got to the office on Thursday, a whole pan of homemade cinnamon rolls was in the break room. I don't know what's up with these people, but NOBODY was eating these rolls! Terry and I decided we might as well help ourselves to the "middle" ones, as no one else seemed to be interested and we all know that the center ones are the best. And ohhhh, land o' mercy, the heart of the cinnamon roll practically melted in my mouth.  

You will not believe what I'm going to say next.  But if I'm lyin' I'm dyin'.  On Friday, the only two cinnamon rolls missing from the pan were the ones Terry and I ate on Thursday!  What is wrong with these people?  I may have to take the word "intelligent" out of my description of the staff.  Well....(and I blame this on Terry), we decided we shouldn't let all that effort go to waste and we commenced to eatin' the hearts out of each and every cinnamon roll.

Well...maybe we left just'll never know. 

1 comment:

Terry Rush said...

I say it was simly a medical solution to the heartbreak you endured from your kids forgetting(?) to tell you of your grandson's graduation. Have a few cinnamon roll hearts!

I say we did an excellent job of sampling all but one!

Tough working at our place, huh?