Monday, June 04, 2007

Good Day

It was a good day, today. Although I still didn't manage to get to the gym (it's been over 3 weeks) I did get a lot accomplished. The pool is starting to show promise. Jeff made it safely to Manchester, England. The piece I ordered for the crib (that the movers lost) came in the mail today and I'm now prepared for Lauren. I finally caught the turtle that has been living in my pool. He looks just like the ones you see in the pet stores--only about 20 times as big. I wasn't quite sure what to do with him once I had him out of the pool. I certainly didn't want him finding his way back, so I carried him in an ice chest across the north pasture and over the fence, releasing him in the direction of the neighbors' pond. Run away Mr. Turtle, run away.

I actually did a little decorating!

Sadly, I am showing signs of acclamation to the country. I can effortlessly walk across the rocky driveway barefoot. I already have a farmer's tan. And I'm starting to take offense at Jeff Foxworthy's humor.


Anonymous said...

hello. somehow i found your blog through a friend of a friend. i actually went to prom with your son, jeff, one year. and sent him an invite to my own blog today. strange coincidence.

Wilma said...

I think I now can make comments on your blog. Mom

Unknown said...


Was it in 1998? I think I remember you. Jeff will be thrilled to hear from you. He is in Europe right now with a group of his students (he teaches high school art). So if you don't get an answer right away, be patient.

Anonymous said...

yes, it was 1998. wow -- good for jeff. it's been so long since i've seen him. send me an email to and i'll add you to my private blog.